Lead-Based Paint XRF Testing

At EnvioCore, we’re proud to offer XRF analyzer technology that can test for lead-based paint instantaneously! With this incredible technology, we can help you ensure the safety of your family and project.

XRF Inspections

This is a device that measures the amount of lead in painted surfaces. We are then able to tell you if lead is present or not within just a few seconds. The XRF gun does scan through all layers of paint, making sure no paint is left untested. XRF lead test is non-invasive, ensuring accurate results without having to take physical samples. With this technology, we are able to test walls, floors, doors, windows, etc. in just seconds and give you the result on-site. A final report will also be sent to you with all of the areas and results. Examples of Typical Painted Surfaces:

  • Walls
  • Ceiling
  • Doors
  • Windows
  • Siding
  • Stairs
  • Deck
  • Railing/Gate/Fence

XRF Gun Tests Household Items and Antiques

Not only is it beneficial to test your house or business for lead-based paint, it is also a good idea to check your personal items. We are able to use our XRF gun on household surfaces such as old pedestal tubs. Some household items/surfaces you may want to check for lead-based paint:

  • Pedestal Tub
  • Jewelry
  • Children’s Toys
  • Lead Glazed ceramics
  • China
  • Crystal
  • Pewter
  • Vinyl Mini Blinds
  • Pipes

XRF Provides Instant Results

The XRF lead test will give us instant results on-site, letting you know areas of concern faster! This allows you to start planning your project sooner, knowing what contaminants you have to deal with.

XRF is Non-Invasive

Non-invasive means that no physical test samples need to be taken, and no damage will be done to the item we are testing. The XRF gun allows shoot anything you need us to, without concern for the integrity of the paint/item. EnvioCore is here to test everything to make sure your environment is safe!

Whole House Lead-Based Paint XRF Inspection

We can test all types, colors, and textures of paint, inside and outside of the home, and provide you with a certified lead-based paint inspection report.

Renovation Specific Lead-Based Paint XRF Inspection

We can provide XRF lead testing for any size renovation. We don’t have to test the entire home, we can inspect only your areas of concerns or the specific areas you will be renovating.

Lead-Based XRF Paint Testing FAQs

How do you know if my home has any Lead- Based Paint?

The first action to take to find out if lead-based paint is to test suspect areas, such as painted surfaces and high friction areas like windows and doors.

An XRF lead-based paint inspection is recommended to test without causing damage by taking physical samples of the materials. This will give you instant results and let you know any dangers in the building materials of your house.

Is Lead-based paint regulated in Colorado?

Yes. Lead-based paint is regulated in Colorado by Regulation 19. The Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) enforces this regulation. The EPA also has regulations about lead awareness for any property built prior to 1978.

How long does it take to get results?

With the XRF gun, we can have instant results for you on-site. After the inspection is complete, we also compile a final report with photos and results of all shots taken.

Schedule EnvioCore for a XRF Lead-Based Paint Inspection Today

XRF readings are instant and can be provided on-site. We can test through all paint layers, and no damage is caused to existing paint.